Continuous Ink System Printers.


Continuous Ink System (CIS) printers are an alternative to traditional inkjet printers that use cartridges. CIS printers use a continuous ink supply system that feeds ink from external reservoirs to the printer through tubes. CIS printers are becoming increasingly popular because they offer many advantages over traditional cartridge-based printers. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of using a CIS printer and how they work.

Benefits of Continuous Ink System Printers

Cost-effective: CIS printers are significantly cheaper to operate than traditional cartridge-based printers. The cost of ink cartridges can quickly add up, and the cost per page can be high. With a CIS printer, you can buy ink in bulk, which is much cheaper than buying individual cartridges.

High-volume printing: CIS printers are designed for high-volume printing. The external reservoirs hold a large amount of ink, which means you can print for longer periods without having to refill the ink supply.

Better print quality: CIS printers offer better print quality than traditional cartridge-based printers. Because the ink supply is continuous, there are no breaks in the ink flow, which means the ink is more evenly distributed on the paper. This results in sharper, more vibrant colors.

Easy to maintain: CIS printers are relatively easy to maintain. The external ink reservoirs are easy to refill, and you can quickly replace any damaged or clogged tubes. The only real maintenance required is to keep the ink flowing smoothly by regularly using the printer and cleaning the print heads.

How do Continuous Ink System Printers Work?

A CIS printer consists of external ink reservoirs, tubes, and a modified ink cartridge. The ink reservoirs are connected to the printer‘s ink cartridges through tubes. The tubes have air filters that prevent dust and debris from getting into the ink supply.

To install a CIS system, you first need to remove the ink cartridges from the printer. The cartridges are then modified by removing the foam and making a small hole in the top of the cartridge. The tubes are then inserted into the holes, and the cartridges are reinserted into the printer.

The ink flows from the external reservoirs through the tubes and into the modified ink cartridges. As the printer prints, the ink is drawn from the cartridges and onto the paper. The external reservoirs are refillable, which means you can add ink when needed.

One of the most significant advantages of a CIS printer is that it is more eco-friendly than a traditional cartridge-based printer. With a CIS printer, you can buy ink in bulk, which means you generate less waste than with individual cartridges.

CIS printers are available for both home and professional use. Some printers come with pre-installed CIS systems, while others require a separate installation. CIS systems are also available for some existing printers.


If you’re tired of buying expensive ink cartridges or want to print high volumes of documents or photos, a CIS printer may be a good option for you. CIS printers offer many benefits, including cost-effectiveness, high-volume printing, better print quality, and ease of maintenance. They are also eco-friendly and can reduce the amount of waste generated by traditional cartridge-based printers. Overall, CIS printers offer a great alternative to traditional inkjet printers and are worth considering if you’re in the market for a new printer.
